Wanting a word for it,
one word, ideograph,
many faceted stone
thrown in the deep pool,
concentric circles
radiating meanings -
Spring at Compton Greenfield.
First warblers sing through twigs
misted now with opening leaves
Viper's Buglos among fresh nettles
a sun-touched brook
old moss-roofed stables,
horse manure, apple blossom,
the still air Cuckoo calling
presaging summer
diaphanous landscape
opening the heart wide.
Secretively the lane leads down
grooving the hillside
to the yellowstone farm.
Shadowed by tall trees
old window panes look out
darkly on a new coming
One word - a whole resonant sound
to say all this
spreading ripples on a frost-darkened pond
green tendrils emerging
Consulting the I Ching
I get LU:
heaven lies above the lake
creative above joyous things,
the small and cheerful treads upon the large
everything moves upward without change
Wise reply - Good friend.